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Redwork..then and now : modern machine embroidery designs

What is Redwork?

Redwork is an old form of embroidery that can be traced back to Eastern Europe in the early 19th Century. Thread was dyed red and was the first coloured cotton thread used in embroidery , before that coloured thread was made of silk and only the wealthy could afford to use it. This type of embroidery was popular because the embroidery required less thread to create a design. It was also much quicker to produce a design . These factors plus the lower price meant that Redwork embroidery quickly spread to other parts of the world.

Traditional looking Redwork , modern machine embroidery

People still love the unique qualities of traditional Redwork and these can be now be achieved with modern machine embroidery. Redwork relaxed lady 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 8x8 in the hoop machine embroidery design

Redwork using 'In the Hoop" machine embroidery

We use the 'In the Hoop' technique in all of our machine embroidery designs. This means that our Redwork has batting sewn into the block . This gives the piece more depth and increases the ways in which it can be used. Redwork hearts stuffed 4x4 5x5 6x6 in the hoop machine embroidery design.jpg These blocks can be made into functional items such as this cushion/pillow
IMG_5985 Sweet Pea "Feather Cushion"
or into tote bags
01d9750b99b2f1a99bf84aa11dff7004e5fc001eff Sweet Pea " Spring Redwork tote Bag"
or something completely new .....the Redwork Colouring In Designs
a redwork and permanent fabric markers.
12402241_1079883972043886_3344745725051161102_o Sweet Pea "Painted Thread Wall Hanging Colouring In"

some of the wide range of Sweet Pea Redwork designs as sewn by our customers.....

Redwork In the Hoop designs Redwork In the Hoop Colouring In designs In the Hoop Machine Embroidery designs

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