Account Reactivation Video Walkthrough
🎵 Video has sound - please ensure your volume is up to a comfortable level 🎵
Due to the swap in our domain (from .com.au to .com) your automatic password entry apps may not work. Please click "forgot password" to set a new password to fix this.
Account Access FAQ
Why can't I access my account?
You probably need to reactivate your account, which is caused by our recent website upgrade. Please scroll above to see the link at the top of this page.
How many times do I need to reactivate?
You will only need to reactivate your account once.
Why do I keep seeing the reactivation message?
This is displayed automatically for all US and Canadian customers at the Login screen currently. If you have successfully reactivated your account please login as normal.
Will I still have my previous designs?
Yes, once your account has been activated you will have access to all your past, and future, designs again.
What if I don't reactivate my account?
You will be unable to access your previous designs, as well as purchase any new designs or sewing supplies from us. It's very quick and easy to reactivate you account.
Why haven't I received a reactivation email?
The common causes are:
- Your account did not need reactivating - just login as you normally do.
- You entered your email address incorrectly. Please try again!
- The email may have been incorrectly sent into your junk or spam folder. Please check there.
Why can't Sweet Pea activate my account?
The platform we use to run this website, Shopify, has very strict privacy and customer protection protocols. This means we are unable to activate your account for you.
Why can I access my account without reactivating?
Only some of our customers will need to reactivate their account - if you are able to login without reactivating then everything is all good and you can use the website normally.
What if I deleted the reactivation email?
At the top of this page is a link to send yourself a reactivation email. Simply click that and enter your email. If your account needs reactivating you will receive an email within a couple of mins with further instructions.
What if I clicked cancel during the reactivation email?
You will need to send yourself another reactivation email.
At the top of this page is a link to send yourself a reactivation email. Simply click that and enter your email. If your account needs reactivating you will receive an email within a couple of mins with further instructions.
I get an error message stating “Password reset error”
This is usually because the link has expired, or a password was incorrectly entered on the reactivation page.
You will need to send yourself another reactivation email.
At the top of this page is a link to send yourself a reactivation email. Simply click that and enter your email. If your account needs reactivating you will receive an email within a couple of mins with further instructions.
Logging Out / Cart Forgotten
I sometimes randomly get logged out
We believe we have fixed this as of 4th September 2024. If you are still having this issue please contact customer.support@swpea.com
How to log out?
We had to remove the logout button from the menu due to other problems it may have been causing. If you go into your Account.
Computer: There should be a logout option at the bottom of the menu.
Mobile: If you swipe the menu at the top, it should be the last option (we understand this isn't intuitive and working on a fix).
My cart sometimes gets forgotten
We are currently investigating into this, and apologise for any inconvenience. If you look in Your Account there should be a Recently Viewed menu option. Hopefully this can help you find what you had in your cart previously.
Orders and Gift Cards
Some of my designs are missing?
If you've requested to change emails with us then this is the most likely culprit - please email customer.support@swpea.com or visit our contact us page and we'll resolve this asap.
Where are Gift Cards?
Gift cards are unavailable right now, but should be returning soon. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Rewards Program
My Sweet Points seem incorrect
We are currently working on a solution to this, unfortunately it seemed to predominantly affect Australians and New Zealanders. We do still have backups of the historic data, so please reach out to customer.support@swpea.com or visit our contact us page and we'll resolve this asap.
Pre-Website Upgrade Rewards Vouchers not working
This unfortunately will affect predominantly US and CA customers. Please email customer.support@swpea.com or visit our contact us page and we'll resolve this asap.
Europe - Sales/Pricing
Your products were displaying the incorrect sale price
Due to a glitch in the system, the discount was not applied correctly to European regions. This has been fixed. We will be refunding the difference to customers that were affected. We apologise and will take measures to prevent this from happening again.