
Applique Essential Supplies

Starting a new hobby is exciting, and machine applique is one of the best.

At least we think so anyway.

Getting together some of the little bits and bobs you need to get right into your new hobby is fun, and it’s important to have everything you need for a design BEFORE you get started.

Our Sew Sweet Pea Machine Applique designs come with step by step instructions and list design requirements so you can pop to the shop with a quick list and be ready to get started.


Used in applique on the wrong side of the fabric as a foundation for applique stitching. Some common choices of are:

Tear-Away: once all of the stitching is complete any excess stabiliser can be easily torn away from the design, once it is complete. Any stabiliser under the stitching will remain in place to support the stitches. Hint: Using multiple layers will allow for better stabilisation, depending on the design, however when removing these be sure to tear them away carefully one layer at a time.

Wash-Away or Water-Soluable: a stabiliser that is washed or rinsed out of a design after all the stitching is complete. These are great for free-standing lace or intricate designs with open or free sections in your design.

Cut-Away: much like the Tear-Away, this stabiliser is trimmed around the outside of stitching, this type of stabiliser will remain behind the applique shapes.

The use of stabiliser provides support and eliminates puckering and pulling on fabric as you machine applique. Test the combination of fabric and stabiliser for each project.


A quick and fun method of applique is through the use of adhesives to stick applique shapes to background fabric.

Paper-backed Fusible: This is an adhesive similar to a sticker or wall paper, that will stay in the completed project after washing. These paper-backed adhesives have fusible on one side, making it easy to stick to the appliqué fabric, then peel the paper away and adhere it to the background fabric.

Temporary Spray Adhesive: This adhesive you spray onto the applique pieces to stick onto the background fabric. This product dissolves after 12 to 24 hours. This should be enough time to applique these together.


We recommend using a new needle when starting a project, however, give your current needle a test and if it's working well, keep on using it.

We recommend and use Organ needles 'Embroidery Anti-glue 75/11'.

Some good choices for machine appliqué include:

  • Microtex Sharp
  • Embroidery
  • Jeans

If you’re unsure as to what fabrics, threads or fusibles to use, please join one of our Facebook Groups (as we have a great community group and experienced staff from Sew Sweet Pea that would love to assist), otherwise visit your local quilting stores for advice.

This will start you off on the right foot.

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