Mystery Japanese Hexagon Quilt Assembly Instructions
Project Guide: 🔴 Advanced

These are free instructions provided to show how to assemble the Mystery Japanese Hexagon Quilt. The Assembly instructions include details on how to add the backing and binding to the quilt.
This is our third Mystery Sew-a-long quilt. The quilt consists of 12 blocks as well as 12 bonus Sashiko blocks making a total of 24 main blocks over 12 months. The finished size will depend on which size hoop you use and how many blocks you decide to use.
It is our intention to offer you the best service always and for our designs to be of the highest quality.
Designs come in all formats except art. Bernina's can use EXP. Formats pes, hus, sew, xxx, jef, vp3, vip, mit, dat, dst, exp etc
SVG and FCM files are included for the Silhouette and Scan n Cut machines.
Instructions are included in English.

Designed by Emma Wakeling
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